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Semester A

Eco-Friendly Design

Semester B

Check out this document for support and information on all portfolios in semester B!


Use CheckMyWork for all essays! If there is a similarity greater than 20%, you need to rework your essay and check again until under 20%. Essays turned in with less than 80% original student work will result in following Connections Academy plagiarism procedures.


*Use this guide to understand more about using CheckMyWork


Quick Checks
and Quizzes

Use your lesson notes to help you complete quick checks and quizzes! You can return to your lesson to find information that will help as well!


*You can redo a quiz prior to the unit deadline by sending your teacher a WebMail asking for a reset. Make sure to include the lesson number and name in your WebMail.


If you score less than 80% on a test, you can redo the test AFTER you attend tutoring with a teacher. You also need to have a score of at least 60% on all quick checks and quizzes before you can redo the unit test.


*If you have improved your quick check and quiz scores, and attended tutoring, you can redo a test prior to the unit deadline by sending your teacher a WebMail asking for a reset. Make sure to include the lesson number and name in your WebMail.

Grammar Resources

Need some help with grammar? Find some great videos HERE!

Citation Resources

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